Archive for the ‘Hero (JaeJoong DBSK)’ Category

Chanced upon this in a random surf. The title only makes sense if you’ve read the two posts below (click on the screen captures to navigate your way back to the relevant MFGB posts)

HAHAHA. I KNOW it’s NOT Jae Joong but … when I was watching the PV I kept musing at how much the unnamed guy who sits around smashing glass balls reminded me of Hero. HAHA. You think? PV below.(Quite a catchy song, imo, with a sexy part when Jin licks his hand. He’s always licking something or other, […]

Okay it is slightly different, the width of the stripes and material (Kame’s one here looks fuzzier). Haha but I just found it amusing – the photo of Edison Chen was some advertisement on the FLOOR in Taiwan. So we’ve the same style of long-sleeved T spanning Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. And actually […]

OMG just read this off the net. (I’m about one month late, this was posted in February) Will paste the link below! I think it’s so stressful to be a wardrobe manager!! (but what a cool job though) provided… you don’t get stuff like below!!! Kame and Hero!

It’s cool to look like a girl!! Here’s just some pixel-spamming of the girly-guys we’re all crazy over today!