Archive for the ‘Yamada Takayuki’ Category

OMG! Not only did wordpress screw up the photo-uploading function, it completely DELETED MY ENTRY!! Is it just me or is it screwy. ok I’m going to save this periodically now. (Japanese online gossip source: Idolgravure) Yamada Takayuki is rumoured to have made up with his ex-girlfriend! Did you however know that he has a […]

  Do you think they resemble each other??

On Crows Zero


I watched it with Lisa yesterday night and it was FABULOUS! However I have two points to make. 1) WHY oh WHY did Straits Times Life! give it TWO and a HALF stars (out of five)??? Actually I’ve always mistrusted such ranking /grading schemes but I must just rant about it again, because I had […]