Archive for the ‘Yamapi’ Category

(Japanese online gossip source: Widegeinou) If you haven’t read about Abiru Yuu’s ( the girl Yamapi was with) escapade from Wada Akiko’s party with Da Pump’s ISSA, read it here. In any case, it seems that Yamapi has moved on with a new girlfriend who is a former model of a girl magazine called “egg”. […]

Instead of studying/sleeping early, i ended up watching KBS’ Star Golden Bell challenge when I saw this guy (above right) who bore a resemblance to Yamapi! Pointed it out to my sister who agreed to. Found out he was SS501’s Kim Hyeon Joong… have heard of the group name but never really gave any real notice… […]

Yamapi, currently a fourth year student at Meiji University (omg actually I did not know that), will not be able to graduate this April! His university however, allows people to graduate in September but Yamapi reportedly said that ‘graduating in the Summer is not a bad thing’, indicating a preference perhaps for a summer graduation!

It was released on 8th March 2008 in Japan! (Same day as the Doraemon Eiga! as mentioned in this recent post) For those who don’t know katakana, let’s learn four new characters! Above from left: Ku – Ro – Sa -Gi. Click on the image for the youtube trailer! Yamapi, looking a bit more than normal like Show […]

Oguri Shun won the Broadcast Award (Drama/Movie) for Crows Zero! Sigh, overachiever. Click here or here , which were my sources, for more news (in japanese though). I remember being very surprised when I found out that he does stage-acting, Shakespeare in Japanese. His recent play was Caligula (in which he strides around half naked, […]