Doppelganger: Akanishi Jin and Ayase Haruka


HAHAHA don’t you think? In this particular photo of Ayase Haruka at least! ^_^ But even in her other photos there is SOME resemblance you think you think?



38 Responses to “Doppelganger: Akanishi Jin and Ayase Haruka”

  1. 1 sarah

    its the sexy lips they both share.

  2. 2 bumblebeeee

    at first glance, thought hayase haruka looks like Big S from taiwan as well =p

  3. 3 \(^.^)/

    both seem like playboys/playgirls! 😀

    yay hello chun!
    this is joni hahaa was really cool meeting you today.

    SO GOOD.

    haha my love for bigbang is now reignited! (it had been doused earlier with the entry of FT island, SS501, and *gasp* BANG BANG TANG!)

  4. HI JONI!! whothe h*ll is BANG BANG TANG?!?!?! and yay WELCOME BACK TO BIGBANGWONDER-DOM. ^_^
    and shit i just realised wordpress deleted the extra pic i had of akanishi. can’t stand it gotta move soon

  5. 5 fatfish

    bang bang tang = lollipop, a taiwanese boy band
    gee, even i knew that (haha kidding)
    theyre like fei lun hai i think but younger

    where are you moving to???

  6. 6 lisa

    bang bang tang had a fanmeet at clark quay today. i was almost thinking of asking you to go down (you meanin everyone) i originally wanted to , but in the end i decided not to.

  7. is that a man and a woman you are comparing?
    i’m sorry am getting a bit blind nowadays.

  8. 8 FimFim

    LOL~~ this totally surprised me.
    They do have some similarities haha!

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. 9 ren

    thank god there’s others that think they look alike – both are verrrry adorable!

  10. hahahaahahah thanks to FimFim + ren who both share my views ( if not i’d think im going strange)

    to mak: YES one’s a guy and one’s a girl!1!!!!

    to lisa: WHY? didn’t you?

    to fatfish: i didn’t read BANG BANg tang as HanyuPinYin lah!!! I have HEARD of them but dismissed them as crap i think i saw them on chinese MTV and was quite put-off. EH fatfish do you want to be a contributor……………….. you can do your Taiwan thing. Mak has apparently abandoned her HK newsdesk *sideglance*

  11. 11 makthemutant

    i have not! i will post something gossipy soon – as soon as something gossipy appears.

  12. 12 sphinxie3

    hahaha…still remember this comparison has been circulating around KAT-TUN fans some time ago…

  13. hey the girl acted in tatta hitotsu no koi!! it’s a 2006 drama that I’m still halfway watching.. right now on hold cuz I haven’t got time!!! ha ha she acted with kamenashi!!

  14. 14 fatfish

    haha ok! i’ll do a special feature on pan weibo my cousin

  15. 15 fathskie

    Eeeeekk…!! You are soooo~~ right!!! They ARE look alike!! My gawd I didn’t realize that… though Jin has been always pretty.. but to Ayase haruka… hehehehh… Pretty Jin!!!

  16. im so glad i wasn’t the only one who thought that jin nd ayase looked so similar but i went into extremes nd actually thought that it was jin the whole time in the drama kame nd koki were in “Tatta Hitotsu no Koi” lol im so stupid.

  17. 17 aisyateru

    i really wanted them to be together in real..

  18. 18 NotGood

    Akanishi Jin is so not good looking. He’s a cocky wannabe. He tries to surpass everyone by learning English. He always does that wannabe sexy look which makes him look like a freakin’ girl.

  19. 19 NotGood

    His smile is so ugly he thinks he can make a girl fall on her knees. Girls who like him are retarded. He’s an ass and overall he’s despicable.

    • 20 Kuri

      @NotGood: You’re the retard. Stop talking shit, it makes YOU look like an ass. You have a right to dislike someone, but you’re just straight up hatin.

  20. 21 krol

    es muy lindo la cago enserio

  21. 22 neuroneuster

    yea, i noticed this since tatta hitotsu no koi.

  22. what are you saying NotGood? those traits you mentioned were just my type! haha
    why are you bitter with Jin? did he do anything bad to you? haha

  23. i can’t see any resemblance in them…

  24. my friend and i laughed because we kept making Akame jokes throughout Tatta Hitotsu no koi! Both Jin and her share the same facial structures, and yes i kpet thinking she was the femme version of him =P

  25. 26 Chis _ty

    i like this pict,,,,
    its a good pict

  26. 27 Adri

    The first time I saw Akanishi was in Gakousen 2, I didn´t knew anything about Kat tun, then in all the scenes i was like “mmm who is he? why does he look like a woman to me?” and then next to kame I remember Tatta hitotsu no koi, I really thought they were brother and sister.

  27. 28 Lily

    yeah they lips look good ^___________^; SEXY

  28. 29 Chis _ty

    i dont like hime n this gril…
    hueeeee,,,,,,, T.T
    its so bed,,,,,

  29. 30 lol

    aragaki yui is tha chibi version of ayase haruka. haha

    i do think that both Jin and ayase haruka look alike, they’re like twins. Hahaha. I’d be delighted to see them in a drama. hahahah that would be incest hahah XDD

  30. 31 Flintstones

    Hey NotGood,
    You’re not only not good but you also have a very bad taste.
    I understand why you hate Jin, because he’s one good-looking
    dude, he’s one of the targets of the paparazzi and everything
    that he does seems to make him more popular. I bet your pop
    idol is not as popular and adorable as him thats why you hate
    Jin so much. Relax and grab a bite of hamburger maybe youre
    just hungry. LOL

  31. 32 melek

    akanishi jin is my type for sure. what is the big problem. he is hot and sexy. i am in love with him. if you have any problem with him sorry but you got to deal with it by yourself.

  32. 33 tela

    I love Jin Akanishi.
    Jin is the first person i think of when i think of hot.
    If only i would have a ticket to see a superstar,
    I would really want to meet him, forget Tom Cruise
    and Brad Pitt. haha!!!! Love Jinjin.

  33. 34 Flintstones

    For the record, i love Akanishi Jin ~
    One of JE’s best performers.

  34. 35 Hana

    I guess there are some Jin’s haters here huh? He’s success with his sexy image (not wannabe) that provoke such jealousy ^^. BTW, I think he does have some defects but who doesn’t? (your envy is a great example, Not Good) Overall, he’s still a good person; I don’t regret falling for him ^^, and I’m not as retarded as you think, you pathetic NG.

  35. 36 justinn13

    well NOTGOOD [which i know you really are.xDD], why are you even bothering viewing these pictures of jin if you don’t have any interest on him?? :DD cmon.ü find a place where your insecurities can hide.((: JiN iS HAWWT.ü♥ so build a bridge, GET OVER iT.xDDDD

  36. 37 maria

    sou superfãn do AKANISHI JIN , e meu sonho espero que venha para o BRASIL :KAT-TUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. 38 Wilkin

    Jin is a Johnny hottie,
    the first time i saw him, i said “wow, who is he?”
    then i heard his voice and watch him dance, man, he blows me away.
    he is, in his way, so inspiring.
    and whoever disses him, doesnt really know the meaning of a real beauty.!
    or probably jealous…hekhek!

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