Archive for the ‘Kinki Kids’ Category

(Source: Oricon) Well well, DBSK stayed for 2 days on top and has claimed the throne for Oricon’s WEEKLy Ratings! “Oppa, hwaiting!” cry the millions of Cassiopeias. However, it is nowhere to be seen in today’s ranking, not even in the Top 10 (picture below. click here, to go to Oricon, only valid if you’re seeing this today, […]

(Japanese online gossip source: Entame) While attending a PR Event at Kagoshima Prefecture (Kyuushuu) for their movie, Sushi Ouiji!, Nakamaru Yuichi’s bad attitude reportedly pissed off reporters and sullied the honour and “face” of his senpai, Domoto Koichi. The management had arranged for Nakamaru Yuichi to be interviewed by 7 or 8 local TV and […]

(Japanese online gossip source: Entame) I hope you got the title. Cos I spent an unreasonable amount of time on it — one of those times where I understood exactly WHAT the japanese words are saying, but somehow for the past 10 minutes I struggled to put something so straightforward into english. Think I’m just too tired, […]